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Murtaza Manasawala

Software Engineer

  • BORN : May 13, 1994
  • EMAIL : murtazamanasawala110@gmail.com

About me


I am a dynamic software engineer and application developer. I have created multiple web applications using different web technologies.

At San Jose State, I am pursuing a dual specialization in Data Science and Enterprise Software Technologies and cross-specialization in Cloud Computing. I am interested in working on Distributed Systems and Big Data Technologies.

Developed strong programming skills with thorough knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms in my ongoing master's degree and with 2.5+ years of industry experience as an Associate Software Engineer at InfoBeans Technologies LTD.

Experience with:
Languages: Ruby, Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, C#
Frameworks – Rails, Django, Spring, Spring Boot, Express, .NET, JUnit
Web technologies : Node JS, ​React JS, Redux, Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, REST/SOAP Web Services, plotly JS, SCSS
Cloud Technologies : Docker, Kubernetes, AWS SDK for Ruby, CloudFront, Amazon S3, Heroku
Tools: JIRA, Maven, Gradle, Git, RabbitMQ, BitBucket, JMeter, Mocha,Selenium, Apache Kafka, Apache Zookeeper
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Solr, ElasticSearch, SQLite
Operating System: Mac OS X, Linux
Payment Gateways: Paypal, Stripe
Application/Web servers: Webrick, Apache, Amazon AWS, Nginx, Puma

Work Experience


Graduate Research Assistant

San Jose State University Research Foundation, CA
May 2018 - Present

Wafer Processing for Semiconductor Machines

Description:   A web application which helps to drilldown the issues in the semiconductor machine. Each machine produces log files which are parsed by a preprocessor to dump data in the database. This helps to calculate throughput of machines which produces small chips and helps the owner to know the issues going on in the wafer processing

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, jsPlumb, Solr, JAVA, ElasticSearch, Akka, Redux, plotly JS, Material UI

  • Created preprocessor to parse wafer processed log files and dump data in Solr and ElasticSearch
  • Improvement in Machine Performance by reporting delays in wafer processing by calculating differences in manufacturing times
  • Visual representation using plotly JS for drilled down analysis of semiconductor process
  • Developed an authoring tool to customise graph visualization

Assistant Software Engineer

InfoBeans Technologies Limited (CMMI level 3), India
August 2015 - January 2018

1.   Interior Decoration and Social Networking

Description:  A web application that serves as a tool for the user through image upload features, forums, blogs and various communication features. It is a social network for creative interior designers and home decorators to cherish their ideas and put them on walls to make clients feel at home with modern luxuries and amenities

Tools/Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React Native, HAML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, XML, GitHub, MySQL and Solr

  • Worked on an application from front-end enhancements using Bootstrap, JS and HAML, to backend architectural changes utilizing Rails
  • Involved in analysis, specification, design, implementation and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Enhanced the code or made suitable changes in the data to fix the issues

2.   Sports News, Social Betting, Fantasy Sports and Community Web Application

Description:  Web application which is a colossal sports community dedicated to sports fans across the globe. It boasts one of the world's largest public sports databases, social betting on match results, a wide variety of current news and in-depth articles written by professional pundits, league results updated in real time, as well as extensive forums where members can discuss their favorite stars and team. This website includes social networking elements as well as a fantasy sports module

Tools/Technologies: Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, XML, JSON, JIRA, Git, MySQL and Solr

  • Created Web Application to provide statistics, latest news, articles and bet on matches allowing users across the globe to socialize
  • Developed complete fantasy soccer/cricket module by using complex algorithms and implementing background jobs
  • Integration of third party API to retrieve team squads, results and statistics of a match to distribute prizes to winners of fantasy games

3.   Consulting Mobile Application and Web Services

Description:  A web application that offers a global network for exchanging know-how and getting paid for it. Sometimes you need a really experienced person to solve your specific problem or teach a skill and this website helps you to find experts who fit your needs. This website is a live consulting platform via video, audio call or chat that instantly let consumers find and connect with professionals. This application is especially for users who are seeking guidance at any level and also provide an additional source of revenue for professionals or experts in their field. The administrator is able to assist, track and control user activities via web portal interface

Tools/Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React JS, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Heroku, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Paypal, Braintree, XMPP and OpenSips, Cloudfront, Amazon S3

  • Implemented web portal for users and consultants by using React JS as front end and Ruby on Rails as backend.
  • Created a chat and calling(video/audio) environment between a user and consultant
  • Developed an entire admin portal for statistics of the amount, advertised consultants and ratings provided by a user
  • Worked on Amazon AWS for load balancing and AWS S3, CloudFront used to redirect users based on edge locations

4.   Inspirational Quotes Sharing and Social Networking App like Instagram

Description:  A social quote application that is all about a community of creativity and inspiration. It is a whole new way to discover, create, and share beautiful picture quotes. User selects a photo, add his own quote or selects from other created quotes in the quote library and posts his creation to the community. The app contains features which allows user to follow other users, like and comment on the posts

Tools/Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Python, Django, JIRA, Git, MySQL, Amazon S3 and CloudFront

  • Created entire admin web portal for quotes uploading and display user statistics
  • Implemented CloudFront and Amazon S3 for image uploading which increased the performance of application by 18-20%
  • Handle client interactions, used to clarify various technical and functional doubts
  • Developed all the required backend web services for mobile application

5.   Coupon Distribution and Management

Description:  This is an iPad based Application. It is a live coupon distribution platform via web service that instantly let users to consume the distributed coupons. This application is especially for the organization employees who wants to use and consume coupons. The administrator is able to assist, track and control user activities via web portal interface. Web services generation and administrator interface for professionals and interface for super admin is done in rails.

Tools/Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Ruby on Rails, JIRA, Git, SQLite, Web Services

  • Created a coupon distribution platform by using Angular 2 as frontend and Ruby on Rails as backend
  • Created Restful API which can be used by mobile application
  • Designing and developing statistical models

6.   Advertising Mobile Application

Description:  An android application which gives Provision of free calling credit based on video advertisements by redeeming points as credits. It makes user view advertisements before connecting a call. After a user watch the advertisement, the user is credited with points and using those points they can recharge their mobile number

Tools/Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, Python, Django, JIRA, BitBucket and MySQL

  • Implemented a web portal using Angular JS, Django Extensively involved in bug fixing and code refactoring.
  • Designing the web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and parse data using XML and JSON
  • Supporting the client with doing cloud based environment setup and maintenance activities




San Jose State University - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
  1. Specialization in Enterprise Software technologies at San Jose State University, California, USA
  2. Research Assistant under Prof. Simon Shim for CMPE 273 - Enterprise Distributed Systems
GRADUATE IN Dec 2019(Expected)


Completed IN June 2015

Academic Experience


San Jose State University

1.   Movie Ticketing Portal(Replica of Fandango Website)

Description:   A team of 5 members created a prototype of Fandango (Online Movie Ticket Booking Portal) which helped users to book movie tickets online. This application allowed the user to see the nearby multiplex and different show timing entered by multiplex admin. The user can book seats in the movie hall and checkout with the number of tickets booked

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, Passport JS, Bcrypt, Apache Kafka, MongoDB, MySQL, CSS, Bootstrap, Mocha, JMeter, Redux

  • Implemented cloud-based solution in a distributed environment using Kafka as a messaging queue with an analytics dashboard for data visualisation
  • Implemented Redis Caching for Search Feature as a result server was able to respond to 10,000 concurrent users within 1 second
  • Worked on UI design and made website look exactly similar to fandango
  • Created Admin Dashboard and used react-charts to display various statistics

2.   Job Search and Hire Website(Replica of Freelancer Website​ )

Description:  A web application that allows employers to post technical projects and freelancers to bid on those projects. Bidding includes the cost and number of days for the project. According to the bids and freelancer experience, the employer hires a freelancer. Freelancer is notified through an email after he has been hired. The freelancer can upload the project after it is completed and the employer has an option to download the completed project for testing and future enhancements

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, Passport JS, Apache Kafka, MongoDB, MySQL, JAVA, Spring Boot, Bootstrap, JMeter

  • Developed a distributed application which provides all features of freelancer using MERN stack along with Apache Kafka as a messaging system, Passport JS as a authentication middleware and Mocha/JMeter as Testing Frameworks
  • Designed own version of connection pooling which provided significant amount of performance increase of 12-14% for server response
  • Deployed the project on AWS and worked with all the required server configurations
  • An authenticated user can View/Post projects, place bids, edit profile, hire a freelancer and transaction between the parties

3.   Partition Tolerance & Cloudscaled Microservice App

Description:   Cloud based project in which we created a Saas based application for burger counter. Any user or tenant can create his own website using the software provided.A user can customise the food item and place order for the same. Maintained shopping cart using Redis DB

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Go, Express JS, Passport JS, Redis, MongoDB, Bootstrap, AWS, Jenkins, Paypal

  • Tested Partition Tolerance of NoSQL Databases and read/write behavior by connecting 5 Ubuntu instances of AWS in CP and AP mode and demonstrated system behavior during partition and after partition recovery.
  • Developed burger counter application data services in Golang and deployed using microservice architecture
  • Deployed multiple Go Api's to the server to test replication
  • Created Saas based multitenant architecture for a burger counter application

4.   Media Based Services Website(Replica of NetFlix)

Description:   A team of 4 members created a prototype of Netflix which helped users to watch movies, series and other online shows after buying subscription

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Java, Spring, MongoDB, MySQL, CSS, Bootstrap, Redux, AWS Load Balancing/Auto Scaling

  • Developed exact similar UI like Netflix and implemented REST API’s for a complex set of functionalities in JAVA
  • Managed Database design, backend architecture and application deployment aspects of software development
  • Used AWS services to deploy website and load balancing under heavy load
  • Created Admin Dashboard and used react-charts to display various statistics
  • Used various design patterns to implement backend code

5.   Emily AI ChatBot for Depressed people

Description:  A team of 4 members created a web application which allows depressed people to talk to a chatbot. A user can discuss the issues and the chatbot will respond with a solution. Initially, a user has to fill a form in which he has to answer few psychological questions which help the bot to understand the psychology and respond accordingly

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, Passport JS, MySQL, CSS, Bootstrap, DialogFlow, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Redux

  • Machine Learning web based model to talk to depressed people developed using MERN Stack and Dialogflow
  • Integrated Blockchain to decentralize nodes and allow backtracking of chats only by administrator to enhance security
  • Created the website using React JS as frontend and Node JS as backend

6.   TechAlchemy

Description:  A machine learning based web application which generates ideas using two different fields of studies. A user is asked to put in his skills and interests. After generation of an idea from different fields, a forum is created where the users with the same skills and interest can share their knowledge

Tools/Technologies: React JS, Node JS, Express JS, Passport JS, SQLite, CSS, Bootstrap, Machine Learning, Python, Redux

  • Cross stream content generation algorithm to create ideas for forums based on user’s skills and interests
  • Text summarization through Machine Learning to capture the precise intent of source data
  • RAKE algorithm used for keyword extraction and generating content based on skills and interests

7.   An Angry Bird Game

Description:  A team of 5 members created an angry birds game on GreenFoot. Used multiple design patterns to code this game. Java is used to create the project. This game is created keeping in mind all the Agile and Scrum principles

Tools/Technologies: GreenFoot, JAVA, Design Patterns, Scrum, Agile, Kanban

  • Implemented multiple design patterns like Composite, Observer, Strategy, State, Template and Chain of Responsibility
  • Designed complete user interface for the game

Medicaps Institute of Technology and Management

1.   Riches of India

Description:  A project that focused on the diverse handicrafts of India. I had used image slider, worked with map coordinates, created proper menus and gallery, incorporated audios and videos and thus, created a colourful, yet easy-to-use website.

  • Designed complete UI and developed all features of the project
  • Worked with different HTML, JS and CSS tags in order to make the website better